
Popular ESB systems: a comparison guide

Learn about the key components of ESB, licensing costs, and more in this comprehensive guide.

Popular ESB systems: a comparison guide

Welcome to the exciting world of ESB systems! If you’re unfamiliar with this technology, ESB stands for enterprise service bus, a software suite that serves as a centralized hub for exchanging messages between different applications and information systems. This technology has rapidly gained popularity, allowing faster, simpler, and more efficient communication between various IT systems, ultimately resulting in smoother business operations.

But why is ESB so important in the world of business technology? Traditional approaches to integrations can be slow, expensive, and uncertain. In contrast, ESB systems operate within the low-code paradigm, allowing for rapid development and implementation of new systems, integrations, and features. With ESB, you can easily configure message routing, store message history, and maintain message tracking logs, resulting in greater efficiency and accuracy across your business operations.

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the benefits of different ESB systems and how they stack up against each other. So buckle up and get ready to dive into ESB technology!

What are the key components of ESB that make it such a valuable tool?

  1. Studio – a graphical environment that allows you to develop integrations quickly and easily. With the studio, you can visualize systems, parameters, and actions, making transmitting and receiving information simple, converting data flows, and more. Plus, you can easily set parameters and monitor errors to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  2. Message broker – an active component that helps exchange messages between different systems. This component observes message sequences and balances loads, ensuring that producers and consumers communicate effectively.
  3. Logging is another crucial component of ESB. By recording events that occur to a message, logging helps you track the flow of information, diagnose problems, and ensure smooth operations.
  4. The monitoring component helps you stay on top of important events and respond to them quickly. With ESB, you can select the events that require a response and report them to technical support, ensuring you can resolve issues quickly and efficiently.


Red Hat FuseIBM Integration BusMuleSoft Anypoint Platform± ++

For both IBM Integration Bus and MuleSoft Anypoint Platform studio is an out-of-box feature, while Red Hat Fuse requires constant developers’ attention, making it not as “low-code” as many of us would like it to be.

Message brokers

Red Hat FuseWorks with Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka, AWS MQ, RabbitMQ, brokers supporting JMS.IBM Integration BusWorks with IBM MQ (formerly known as WebSphere MQ) and JMS (Java Message Service, a standard messaging API for Java applications). IBM Integration Bus can also work with other message brokers that support standards such as HTTP, SOAP, and REST.MuleSoft Anypoint PlatformApache ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, IBM MQ, JMS (Java Message Service), Amazon Simple Queue Service, and Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

It’s worth noting that IBM Integration Bus is the only one of these systems that has its own built-in messaging engine.

How the Logging is Organized

  • Red Hat Fuse

Includes system, application, and audit logs. Additionally, you can integrate Red Hat Fuse with external logging systems, such as Elastic Stack, Splunk, or Fluentd, to aggregate and analyze the logs centrally.

  • IBM Integration Bus

Organized into three main categories: diagnostic (messages related to system events, errors, warnings, and information related to the processing of messages, such as message routing, mediation, and transformation), transaction (messages related to the transactional processing of messages, such as message state changes, commit and rollback operations, and message persistence), and user-defined (messages that you define for your specific integration scenarios and business requirements).

  • MuleSoft Anypoint Platform

Similarly to IBM, it’s also organized into three main categories: application logs (application events, such as flow processing, error handling, data transformation, and message routing), server logs (server events, such as startup and shutdown, configuration changes, and system errors), and access logs (the HTTP access and traffic, such as request and response details, status codes, and client information).


External systems utilize a universal component for event monitoring for all of these systems. The operation department can pick any monitoring system, such as Checkmk, Prometheus, Zabbix, etc. To ensure effective monitoring, the business and developers must collaborate to create a manual that outlines the metrics to be monitored, acceptable and unacceptable deviations, and the appropriate corrective actions to take in case of an emergency.

License Costs

Red Hat Fuse’s subscription cost ranges from $12,000 to $70,000 per year, IBM Integration Bus’s perpetual license costs range from $1,335 to $4,325 per month, and MuleSoft Anypoint Platform’s subscription cost ranges from $1,000 to $18,000 per month. It is essential to evaluate an organization’s specific requirements before selecting an ESB and its associated license costs.

ESB technology offers a centralized hub for exchanging messages between different applications and information systems, resulting in faster, simpler, and more efficient communication between various IT systems. With its low-code structure, ESB allows for rapid development and implementation of new systems, integrations, and features, making it an important tool for businesses. Ultimately, the low-code ESB implementation can bring about rapid business growth and optimization of development costs, but it requires time and resources to be successful.

If you have implemented an ESB or other services into your system, plan to scale your business, or need to track data better, you will need the right tools to monitor your whole IT architecture. AINSYS integration framework syncs data between every tool and platform your IT team employs, helping you get an accurate picture of your software. By implementing AINSYS tools, any IT consultant can ensure they make the right decisions for your organization and keep up with the ever-changing technology landscape.

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