Self-Hosted, Secure
REST APIs In Minutes

Instant read/write REST API generation for powering your data products

Most Popular Connectors

SQL Server
The leading on-premise

Instant API Generation Platform

Drive Your Project
Focus on building your applications, not hand-coding APIs. Integrate any SQL or NoSQL database, file storage system, or external HTTP/SOAP service to instantly generate a flexible, comprehensive, and fully documented REST API.
Get Complete
Control & Security
Have total control over API design and generation requirements. Secure your APIs to meet industry best practices and make User Management, SSO Authentication, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), CORS, Role-Based Access Control on API endpoints, record-level permissions on data, OAuth, LDAP, Active Directory, and SAML integration easy
Enjoy Top To Bottom Scalability
From early stage projects to global Enterprise rollouts, we scale with you to make all of your projects successful. Our open source framework also runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X for scalable, stateless, and portable API creation & management. Run on private, public, or hybrid infrastructure and easily move your apps between servers. You can even deploy with Docker, Kubernetes, Bitnami, or directly from Git.
Save Tons Of Time,
Automate Your Documentation
Automatically generate full Swagger OpenAPI documentation with your APIs. Easily publish your APIs for others or expose as many APIs & API keys as needed while applying flexible role-based access control to every API endpoint. Make it easy to share APIs with internal stakeholders, business partners, developers, or anyone else who needs secure access to your APIs

Platform Capabilities

Automated API Generation
A fully documented REST API generated from any source in less than 5 minutes.
Complete Customization
A powerful API Management layer also lets you customize APIs to your requirements.
Flexible Authentication
Full support for all major authentication including Active Directory, LDAP, & OAuth.
Simple Custom Scripting
Transform the data in your endpoints & sources by creating custom scripts in PHP, Python, Python 3, or Node.JS.
Advanced Data Mesh
Use one API call to create virtual relationships between databases and perform operations.

What Our ELT & CDC  Customers Say...

We've been using AINSYS since its Alpha release in September 2022, and it's been a game-changer for our data management.
John D.
AINSYS has been a breath of fresh air for our team since we started using it during the Alpha stage. The workgroup collaboration feature is ...
Sarah L.
Project Manager
We've been testing AINSYS since its Alpha release, and it's been an invaluable tool for our data management. The platform's speed and stability have steadi...
Alex R.
Data Engineer

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